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Sarcophagus with pagan and Christian scenes

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Sarcophagus with pagan and Christian scenes

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Vatican inv. 31408, sometimes called the Ludovisi Sarcophagus (not to be confused with the Ludovisi battle sarcophagus in Palazzo Altemps). The center panel depicts an unfinished wedding scene where the bride and groom join hands before Juno, with Eros and Psyche below. A small panel at bottom appears to show two genii watching a cock fight.The top left panel probalby shows Ezekiel bringing life to the dried bones. Bottom left: Jesus (right arm missing) heals the blind boy. Top right: Jesus resurrects Lazarus (missing) and supplication of his wife. Bottom right: Peter baptizes his jailers accompanied by an unknown figure.

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Copyright 2007 by William Storage and Laura Maish

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Keywords: ancient Rome, iconography, archaeology, imperial portraiture, emperor