A. Creation of Eve from Adam's rib. Gen. 2:18.
B. God gives Adam and Eve the symbols of work. Gen. 3:17.
C. Miracle of Cana (water to wine). John 2:6.
D. Miracle of loaves and fish.
Mark 6:37, 8:1, Matt. 15:32.
E. Resurrection of Lazarus. John 11:1.
F. Adoration by the magi. Matt. 2:9.
G. Healing Bartimaeus or the blind man at Bethsaida. Mark 10:46 or 8:22.
Daniel in lion's den. Dan. 14:31 (Bel & the Dragon 31). Note Habakkuk with bread on right, identifying the scene as from Bel and the Dragon, not Daniel 6:16
I. Prediction of Peter's Denial. Mark
14:26, Matt. 26:30, Luke 22:31.
J. Peter's arrest and baptism of his jailers.