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Sarcophagus with Anastasis and Passion Imagery

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Sarcophagus with Anastasis and Passion Imagery

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Simon of Cyrene with cross (Mark 15:21)
Jesus crowned with thorns (? - Mark 15:17 - the crown shown here is a standard wreath with diadem and no thorns)
Arrest of Jesus
Jesus before Pilate, who washes his hands

Vatican inv. 31525. The Vatican Museum dates this sarcophagus at early 4th century. This is extremely unlikely, given the presence of the anastasis and the appearance of Simon with the cross. A date of mid 5th century is reasonable, based on datings of other significant sarcophagi.

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Copyright 2007 by William Storage and Laura Maish

Use your arrow keys to navigate between image pages.    Page created 11/6/2007





Keywords: archaeology, imperial portraiture, emperor, iconography, ancient Rome